I have been spending a fair amount of time of late realizing that there was something out of balance in the way I am living my life. Through some exploration (which is a topic for another day), I realized that as I moved from childhood to adulthood along the way some important parts of myself were getting pushed to one side as I prioritized other elements of my life.
I got pulled into the convience trap, my purchasing habits could be so much better, and my connection with nature was becoming less and less. It went from being something I took time for daily to something I did when I "had the time" and only was making time for it while on vacation, or when I was overwhelmed with anxiety and stress.
As I became more aware of how I had shifted my priorities, I realized that I was not willing to close my eyes anymore, and that I need to work to be more responsible in my actions and take better care of this wonderful place called Earth, that is always there to take care of me, of us.
This is where Earth Forge was born.
I am starting with social media, as I step onto this focused and intentional path, to make better choices, to reduce waste, reuse what already exists, repair what is broken and recycle more of what I can.
The Earth part of the name most likely makes obvious sense, but Forge may conjure up images of furnances for some.
I chose Forge as it represents so much of what I want to accomplish.
- I want to forge a community of people who are making a conscious effort to reduce the damage to Earth that we are doing.
- I personally and as a community want to forge ahead and make a difference in the way we make purchasing decisions and be thoughtful about what we do with items and materials when we no longer have need for them.
- Looking into the origin and evolution of the word I think it fits perfectly, I can picture a community workshop of people repairing and repurposing, sharing ideas, making something new of something old.
I hope you will not just follow along as I share my own journey, but that if you are on this journey already too that you are willing to guide me, and if you aren't on this journey that maybe you will come along on the adventure.
Are you in?