Destashing and Upcycling - Recipe Book
I have a lot of craft supplies, I like to dabble. Most I get second hand, but not all. I try to find projects to put them to use in ways...
Hello & Welcome.
Ever since I was a child I have been aware of how wonderful and important nature is, and how we as humans do not do a good job of taking care of our planet.
I have started this site as a way to build community, share ideas and information.
As I continue to make adjustments to my own way of living, I'll be sharing those here, and would love to hear about the things you are doing too, be it big or small.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair
While each of us can make a difference on our own, we can do so much more together.
Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.
I’m so glad you’ve arrived.
I am originally from England, and became a US citizen a couple of years ago after living here for a good chunk of my life.
I'm a process engineer as my day job, and a cosplayer, avid reader in my "spare" time.
I love being outdoors, but as of late haven't spent as much time there - that is one of the many changes I have committed to for 2024.
I grew up in the North of England, and most of my childhood was spent playing outdoors with my friends. Either on our bikes or just running around, as memory serves, so long as we were home by dark all was fine. I am still most content when surrounded by trees with the sound of a river or stream nearby.
My mum took the time to teach me basic skills such as sewing and cooking, our time together was often spent doing crafty things, you will see those threads coming through in my content.